Your biggest challenge is time and then knowing which of the dozens of things you must do next.
I can tell you exactly what your next steps need to be if:
1. You’re a furniture/homewares business with a turnover of $/£2M+.
2. Your growth focused -personally.
3. You understand that you (the business owner) need to change for your business to change.
24 years in the global furniture & homewares industry from 1 man businesses to Multi Billion $ companies.
Previous owner of a multi award winning furniture business in London and I have lived and worked in Shenzhen south China.
I’ve watched, and learnt from the mistakes and the successes and I’ve distilled them into 6 simple systems that I consider to be the most critical aspects to focus on in a business. Whether your 1 person or many.
I want to help other people succeed in my industry and help them shortcut the learning curve. That’s why the basic guidance here is free in the resource section.